Augmenter that apply semantic meaning based to textual input.
import os
from nlpaug.augmenter.word import WordAugmenter
from nlpaug.util import Action, Doc, PartOfSpeech, WarningException, WarningName, WarningCode, WarningMessage
import nlpaug.model.word_dict as nmw
def init_ppdb_model(dict_path, force_reload=False):
# Load model once at runtime
model_name = os.path.basename(dict_path)
if model_name in PPDB_MODEL and not force_reload:
return PPDB_MODEL[model_name]
model = nmw.Ppdb(dict_path)
PPDB_MODEL[model_name] = model
return model
[docs]class SynonymAug(WordAugmenter):
# https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.02079.pdf
Augmenter that leverage semantic meaning to substitute word.
:param str aug_src: Support 'wordnet' and 'ppdb' .
:param str model_path: Path of dictionary. Mandatory field if using PPDB as data source
:param str lang: Language of your text. Default value is 'eng'. For `wordnet`, you can choose lang from this list
http://compling.hss.ntu.edu.sg/omw/. For `ppdb`, you simply download corresponding langauge pack from
:param float aug_p: Percentage of word will be augmented.
:param int aug_min: Minimum number of word will be augmented.
:param int aug_max: Maximum number of word will be augmented. If None is passed, number of augmentation is
calculated via aup_p. If calculated result from aug_p is smaller than aug_max, will use calculated result from
aug_p. Otherwise, using aug_max.
:param list stopwords: List of words which will be skipped from augment operation.
:param str stopwords_regex: Regular expression for matching words which will be skipped from augment operation.
:param func tokenizer: Customize tokenization process
:param func reverse_tokenizer: Customize reverse of tokenization process
:param bool force_reload: Force reload model to memory when initialize the class.
Default value is False and suggesting to keep it as False if performance is the consideration.
:param str name: Name of this augmenter
>>> import nlpaug.augmenter.word as naw
>>> aug = naw.SynonymAug()
def __init__(self, aug_src='wordnet', model_path=None, name='Synonym_Aug', aug_min=1, aug_max=10, aug_p=0.3,
lang='eng', stopwords=None, tokenizer=None, reverse_tokenizer=None, stopwords_regex=None,
force_reload=False, verbose=0):
action=Action.SUBSTITUTE, name=name, aug_p=aug_p, aug_min=aug_min, aug_max=aug_max, stopwords=stopwords,
tokenizer=tokenizer, reverse_tokenizer=reverse_tokenizer, device='cpu', verbose=verbose,
stopwords_regex=stopwords_regex, include_detail=False)
self.aug_src = aug_src
self.model_path = model_path
self.lang = lang
self.model = self.get_model(aug_src, lang, model_path, force_reload)
def skip_aug(self, token_idxes, tokens):
results = []
for token_idx in token_idxes:
to_be_keep = True
# Some word does not come with synonym/ antony. It will be excluded in lucky draw.
if tokens[token_idx][1] in ['DT']:
# Some words does not exisit for specific pos. Need to filter it out
if self.aug_src == 'ppdb':
word_poses = PartOfSpeech.constituent2pos(tokens[token_idx][1])
if word_poses is None or len(word_poses) == 0:
have_candidate = False
for word_pos in word_poses:
if len(self.model.predict(tokens[token_idx][0], pos=word_pos)) > 0:
have_candidate = True
if not have_candidate:
to_be_keep = False
if to_be_keep:
return results
def _get_aug_idxes(self, tokens):
aug_cnt = self.generate_aug_cnt(len(tokens))
word_idxes = self.pre_skip_aug(tokens, tuple_idx=0)
word_idxes = self.skip_aug(word_idxes, tokens)
if len(word_idxes) == 0:
if self.verbose > 0:
exception = WarningException(name=WarningName.OUT_OF_VOCABULARY,
code=WarningCode.WARNING_CODE_002, msg=WarningMessage.NO_WORD)
return None
if len(word_idxes) < aug_cnt:
aug_cnt = len(word_idxes)
aug_idexes = self.sample(word_idxes, aug_cnt)
return aug_idexes
def substitute(self, data):
if not data or not data.strip():
return data
change_seq = 0
doc = Doc(data, self.tokenizer(data))
original_tokens = doc.get_original_tokens()
pos = self.model.pos_tag(original_tokens)
aug_idxes = self._get_aug_idxes(pos)
if aug_idxes is None or len(aug_idxes) == 0:
if self.include_detail:
return data, []
return data
for aug_idx in aug_idxes:
original_token = original_tokens[aug_idx]
word_poses = PartOfSpeech.constituent2pos(pos[aug_idx][1])
candidates = []
if word_poses is None or len(word_poses) == 0:
# Use every possible words as the mapping does not defined correctly
for word_pos in word_poses:
candidates.extend(self.model.predict(pos[aug_idx][0], pos=word_pos))
candidates = [c for c in candidates if c.lower() != original_token.lower()]
if len(candidates) > 0:
candidate = self.sample(candidates, 1)[0]
candidate = candidate.replace("_", " ").replace("-", " ").lower()
substitute_token = self.align_capitalization(original_token, candidate)
if aug_idx == 0:
substitute_token = self.align_capitalization(original_token, substitute_token)
change_seq += 1
doc.add_change_log(aug_idx, new_token=substitute_token, action=Action.SUBSTITUTE,
change_seq=self.parent_change_seq + change_seq)
if self.include_detail:
return self.reverse_tokenizer(doc.get_augmented_tokens()), doc.get_change_logs()
return self.reverse_tokenizer(doc.get_augmented_tokens())
def get_model(cls, aug_src, lang, dict_path, force_reload):
if aug_src == 'wordnet':
return nmw.WordNet(lang=lang, is_synonym=True)
elif aug_src == 'ppdb':
return init_ppdb_model(dict_path=dict_path, force_reload=force_reload)
raise ValueError('aug_src is not one of `wordnet` or `ppdb` while {} is passed.'.format(aug_src))
def __str__(self):
return 'Name:{}, Aug Src:{}, Action:{}, Method:{}'.format(self.name, self.aug_src, self.action, self.method)